How to clean your paintball mask – A Complete Guide!

See Clearly, Play Confidently: Your Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Paintball Mask for a Spotless View on the Field!

Written by Harris Cole

Clean your paintball mask, main image, a man wearing a paintball mask that need to be cleaned

leaning your paintball mask is an important step in maintaining your gear. Having a clear paintball mask lens directly affects your ability to see and aim correctly at the opponent. Comparatively, on the other hand, if your paintball mask is not clean it will result in making it difficult for you to track the movement of your opponents or see from where the paintballs are coming. In this guide, I will explain how to clean your paintball mask lens and what you need for cleaning.

What You Need To Clean Your Paintball Mask Lens?

Cleaning a paintball mask lens is much easier than you may think. You just need to pick a paintball cleaning kit as recommended by the manufacturer and some easy steps to follow that I have shared below. 

The cleaning kit usually includes the following supplies:

  • Polycarbonate spray
  • Microfiber cloth
paintball mask cleaning supplies, polycarbonate spray and microfiber cloth

Cleaning a Paintball Mask Lens – A Step-by-Step Guide

Just because you don’t have a clear vision, it might be difficult for you to react quickly and effectively during the gameplay. Thus, to ensure your good performance keep your mask lens and other gears clean and in properly working condition.

Steps to follow:

Follow the below steps to clean your paintball mask lens properly.

  1. First, remove the lens from the mask frame.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth to clean the dust and paintball stains from the lens. Only use a microfiber cloth to avoid scratches on the lens.
  3. Apply some polycarbonate spray on the lens and then gently clean the lens again with a microfiber cloth. Avoid using any other harsh chemicals like vinegar for cleaning paintball mask lenses.
  4. If you are using polycarbonate spray it has properties to help prevent fogging on plastic lenses. Otherwise, you can use compressed air to blow away any trapped moisture.
  5. Apply some polycarbonate spray on the paintball mask frame. Clean it properly with a wet towel to clean all the paintball stains from the mask frame.
  6. Put your lens back into the paintball mask frame. Now you have all done.

Pro Tip:

Use the above-mentioned steps to clean your paintball mask lens every time you come back from the gameplay.

Why Only Use Polycarbonate Spray for Cleaning Paintball Mask Lens?

There are three reasons why you should use polycarbonate spray to clean a plastic lens instead of any other cleaner.

1) Chemical Composition: 

The chemical formulation of the polycarbonate spray is safe to use on any type of plastic used in the manufacturing of paintball mask lenses. 

2) Abrasiveness:

Polycarbonate sprays are designed to be gentle on any plastic surface and avoid any scratches.

3) Anti-fog Properties:

Polycarbonate sprays are designed to be gentle on any plastic surface and avoid any scratches.

Avoid using these cleaning practices for Paintball Mask Lens

Most beginner paintball players make the mistake of cleaning their paintball mask lens with glass cleaner or some paper towels. Such practices need to be avoided to prevent your paintball mask lenses from scratches. 

Avoid Using Any Glass Cleaner:

Using a glass cleaning spray for cleaning a paintball mask lens on any other goggles is not a good practice because the chemicals in the glass cleaner can deteriorate the lens surface. Moreover, these chemicals can damage the anti-scratch or anti-fog protective coating of the lens. 

Avoid Using Paper Towel:

The surface of paper towels or toilet paper is rough which can cause scratches on the lenses of your paintball mask. You might see no scratches when you use a paper towel for the first time. but if you make it a general practice to use the paper towel every time instead of using microfiber cloth over the period you will see lots of scratches on the lens. Then you will have no other option other than changing the lens of your paintball mask. 

When You Should Replace Your Mask Lens:

You should replace your paintball mask lens if you discover scratches that persistently block your vision and affect your performance during the gameplay. It’s a  good idea to always have at least one extra lens on hand because sometimes your mask suddenly gets so damaged during the game that you are left with no other option except to change the lens. 


I hope this blog post answered all your questions about cleaning your paintball mask. Also, remember to choose high-quality masks, as they can make a difference in how well you perform on the field! 

Video Tutorial:

 Here is a fantastic video made by Lone Wolf Paintball if you would rather watch a tutorial on how to clean your paintball Mask.

Related FAQs:

It is generally not recommended to clean the paintball mask with alcohol. There are several reasons for not using alcohol;

  • Alcohol can damage the protective anti-fogging coating on the lens.
  • Alcohol can weaken and dry out the plastic resulting in more scratches on the lens.
  • Alcohol can quickly evaporate and leave behind undesired residue that can cause the lens to fog up.

You can use a mixture of mild soap with warm water as an alternative for cleaning the paintball mask lens. 

Please note that these alternatives are not as effective as polycarbonate spray for cleaning the mask lens. 

Vinegar can be used to clean the paintball mask lens. However, it is important to use the right concentration of water and vinegar at a 1:1 ratio.

Moreover, It’s always recommended to see the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning the lens, on the manual that comes with the paintball mask.

Paintball mask lenses can be gently washed with water but they should not be submerged in the water for a long time because it could degrade it’s ability to fight fog by allowing water moisture inside.

Follow these steps to clean foam on a paintball mask;

  1. Take a mixture of mild soap and warm water in a bowl.
  2. Dip the microfiber cloth in this soapy mixture and clean the paintball stains from the foam.
  3. Reince the foam with clean water to remove any soap residues on the foam.
  4. Let the foam dry properly before putting it back into the mask frame.